Sunday, October 5, 2008

I've lost you all!

I'm still living and working on the same planet as you... but I've lost you all. No, I haven't got amnesia. I This could also be an essay about "Kayak for Dummies".

Recently I've managed to convince (finally!) some people from work to go on a canoe-kayak river descent, outside Paris. Negociatons were hard, and when I thought the "worst" was gone... well, let's say that my good will was punished! eheheh

It was not the first time I did such sport activity, but it was my first time without a guide or someone to oversee the group. Here everyone got on a canoe, with only a basic "rivermap". It's a safe system, where families usually go with their kids, because the rivers are extremely calm, with one or another small waterfall.
At the beginning I thought "Cool! We're on our on"... but the first problem arrived in minutes: the river had two different paths to follow... and both were blocked by small trees.
So... who you gonna call?? eheh I had decided to bring my cell phone with me just in case (very wise!), and as soon as I realized we were "stuck" I took my phone and call the organizing company. As soon as I hung up... I accidentally misplaced the phone into my pocket... et voila... au revoir! :P

Anyway... I've learned the lesson! eheh The bigger problem is all the contacts I've lost, but it could be worse of course... I could have lost an arm or a leg! :P

There are some lucky fishes who won a new cell phone! eheheh

But not everything was bad... there were some priceless moments! Revenge! eheheh

ps: feel free to send me your contacts (by email)

1 comment:

Rita said...

Ahahahahaha!!! So me apetece rir a bandeiras despregadas e nao posso pq estou no trabalho!! AHAHAH!!
Agora ja percebi o email a pedir os contactos e como perdeste o!
Volta mas e ca para a Cote...esse tipos de actividades nao sao para Paris ;)
Beijinho para ti e para a Cris.
Rita V