I've visited recently the Sony showroom, where they have an interesting set of 3D-ready high definition TVs, which are going to be put on sale in June/July. I went there for the curiosity, of course, but it wasn't a totally positive experience.
One thing I must agree: 3D in high definition TV sets is very very good! Better than movie theathers but we still need to use 3D glasses. For me the big drawback is the movie and gaming experience.
I watched 3D TV with movie and video game trailers, but it's impossible to focus all subjects in an image. you have one car in a distant plan, then you have a person closer to you, then there's a moto coming in your direction.... ufff! What an headache trying to focus different objects with different depth fields in an action sequence or in an action game.
To make things worse, if you need to read subtitles, you also need to focus your eyes in a plan closer to you.
Honestly I don't see this technology with a big success. Just imagine watching movies, documentaries, sports and TV shows everyday or for long hours. And kids will get their eyes poped out with 3D animation movies and cartoons! eheh
I think after the influenza A virus, laboratories will get rich by selling eye drops and glasses to correct your vision! eheheh
If movie studios like Sony invest in 3D to put more people in movie theathers, why do they invest in TVs too? Well, I guess movie piracy will continue in 3D! :-P