I'm finally back! 3 weeks ago I was packing my stuff before starting my latest adventure: going around United States by plane, car, train and on foot! Many many many miles were made, new friends met, around 3000 pictures taken and hours of video produced... I'm tired but very satisfied with this crazy idea.
The goal was simple: during 3 weeks I wanted to visit as much as possible around the United States. Visit some of the usual places and try, really try, to visit and do different things.
To accomplish this I need to meet local people. In some cities I had friends waiting (thank you for your patience with me!), other times I met new people and made new friends through the CouchSurfing community (thank you all for accepting my challenge) and a special thank you to those who crossed my way, with a smile, always ready to help this guy who never stopped taking pictures... and never stopped talking :-)
I must confess I was positively surprised on how people were cheerful and nice. Thanks again for making this trip so great.
Lots of coffee and coke (Coca-Cola, to avoid misunderstandings) were drank to keep my engine going. And the engine never failed! :-P
New YorkThe Big Apple was my start and ending point. As soon as I arrived I spent two days visiting the best of the city that never sleeps. And I can garantee that I didn't sleep much :)
The astonishing Times Square, the busy Rockfeller Plaza and Wall Street, the calm and squirrels at Central Park, the Metropolitan and Natural History museums, the night view from the Empire State Building (but the view is far better from Top of The Rock Observation Deck, at Rockfeller center/GE Building), the Brooklyn Bridge and the morning cupcakes.
During my initial stay in New York I was lucky enough to see the Veteran's Day Parade... and I was even luckier by being able to walk in the parade to get the best pictures :-)
As a fan of the TV show "30 Rock" I had to visit the NBC Studios to learn more about the magic behind the small screen! ;-)
USA Tour: NY AlbumMy next stop was Chicago... but that's for another post... it's not easy to organize thousands of pictures :)