No matter if we are foreigners or locals to the country, everyone has the same "quality" of service! However, for a foreigner some issues seem to be unreal.
Today I take some minutes to tell you about my last two "experiences". When I arrived here, almost 3 years ago, I filled my papers to have national health care. I gave copies of all my documents, including of course, my portuguese identity card, which is valid in all countries from the European Community. And some weeks later I got my health card. So far, so good.
Some months ago I was invited to change my card, because the one would include my photo. "Ok, no problem for me"... I've sent all my papers, exactly the same papers and documents from the first time.
I waited, waited, waited... I contacted the services responsible for the new card and they informed that my identity card wasn't valid. Here is the short dialogue:
- "Sir, you didn't send a valid copy of your passeport or identity card"
- "It's my identity card. It's valid in France"
- "You need to have a french identity card or from an European community country"
- "That's it. That's my portuguese identity card. The same one I sent 3 years ago".
- "Does Portugal belong to Europe?"
.... (no comments)
Today I had another funny experience, this time with banks. Some weeks ago I openned a bank account. Everything was going smoothly. I gave a copy of my documents (no problem about that), I signed a huge pile of contracts and finally I gave the minimum amount of money in order to open my new account.
This week I got a letter from the bank saying "Your new debt card and checkbook are ready at your bank. You can get them starting today.". Then I got a text message on my mobile phone "Don't forget to get your new documents at your bank". Finally, one last letter with my PIN code.
Today I went to get them. Here's the dialogue:
- [guy searching on his computer] "Yes sir, your debt card and checkbook are here"
- "Great. Can I have them?"
- [guy checks his computer again] "Sorry sir, but I can't give you. The management didn't approve your account yet."
Can you believe this? These guys have already my money, the debt card and checkbook were already emitted, I have my PIN code too ... BUT no one authorized my account yet!!! eheheh
As I usually say, there's always worst things in life! :-)