Like most of the movie awards, nowadays this kind of ceremonies are more related to marketing, audiences and money, of course. No ones makes me watch the Oscars, but I enjoy the "suspense" to see who is going to win and the unexpected reactions and bloopers. When there's a live show, anything can happen! eheh
The "suspense" isn't present anymore because most of the awards have a sure winner. And we can have two types of sure winners: those who win because the competitors are still young actors, and those who win because they should have already won some years ago. The later are called "rewards" instead of awards! eheheh
The big winner was Slumdog Millionaire and I agree with its Oscars. Technically, the music, the cinematography, the sound and the editing played an important role in the movie. The "big" awards like screenplay, director and best movie were the highlights of the night.
They should end with the "Animated Feature Film" category, because the Oscar always go to Pixar movies! :-P "Wall-E" is a different animated film (almost no dialog) and has an ecologic message and... well, it's Pixar! eheh
One surprise for me was the Oscar for Heath Ledger for the supporting role in The Dark Night. I really like his role as the Joker, but it wasn't a role for an Oscar. But, as he didn't win for "Brokeback Mountain" in 2005, the Academy decided to honor him with a posthumous award.
I lost my bet for the makeup award. If you watched "Hellboy II - The Golden Army" you know what I mean. Come on, "Hellboy" was a makeup feast for the eyes!
It was a long night and thanks to my usual "light" snacks (eheh) I managed to stay awake until the end! eheh