Guesswhowastonight'sguest? That'sright, thelatest 007 moviehaditspremieretonight, but once again I wasn'tinvited! eheh
"Quantum ofSolace" hassomeinterestingcuriositieslikebeingthefirstJames Bond sequel (the action ofthismoviesstartsonehourlaterfrom "Casino Royale"), thevilainisfrench (playedby a frenchactor, of course) ... and themoviewillbeopening in the USA 15 dayslaterthattheeuropeanrelease. Hmmm... I thinktheamericanelections are thereason for thedelay! ;-)
Tonightonly Daniel Craig, MathieuAmalric (thevllain), Olga Kurylenko (the Bond girl) and Marc Forster (the director) were present. No Judy Dench this time. Let's see when I'll check out this movie... it seems to be a bit un-007, but maybe it's just me! eheh
It was hard to wait under the rain and cold... but now is time for a dry Martini ;-)
All kids dream about presents, from the simple ones like a car toy, a bicycle or a doll, to those dream presents like a space rocket, a laser gun or giant robot (I watch too many movies, I know).
I never asked for weird or unusual presents to anyone... not even to Santa Claus (wait, there was that time I would like to have a time machine! Cooool!). Recently I had an unexpected "present": a shoe phone! eheh Like the ones used by secret agents to make secret phone call (et voilá... too many movies again!).
During a launch a break, at the office, one of my coleagues tripped over my shoe and the result was like seen in the picture. I still don't know what was the special touch in order to create this work of art! eheh The worst came afterwards: how could I return to office with a clam on my shoe? Well, I tried to walk for a while but ... everyone was staring and making jokes! :P Luckily that day I had with me an extra pair of shoes (which I was going to drop at the shoe repair shop), so I managed to change.
And talking about movies, spies and shoes... I recommend "Get Smart", the movie based on the famous 60's TV show, with Steve Carrel as Maxwell Smart, a.k.a. Agent 86... with a real shoe phone! ;)
It was a sunny day, blue sky, the birds were singing, me without ideas... and I thought... "Hmmm, how about grab a Velib, going to the crowded city center and shot at the same time?" First things first: I'm not becoming one of those teenagers (although I'm still one! eheh) who wake up one morning and decide to kill everyone they see! :P And if you don't know, this is a Velib.
I was having this idea for a long time: pick up one Velib and to film while pedalling. Well, it could be worse... I could pedal blindfolded while juggling 5 croissants on fire... AND filming at the same time, of course! eheh
So I headed to Arc de Triomphe and then down to the Champs-Élysées avenue. It wasn't a big ride, but it was a nice first experience. For a next time maybe I'll do the same at one of the tipical downtown districts... with better quality, preferably! ;)
And one day, who knows, maybe an Oscar for the best very-small-tiny-short documentary! eheheh
It was an interesting challenge to steer the bicycle with one hand and to film with the other. But usually I drive my car with both hands.... usually! :D
I'm still living and working on the same planet as you... but I've lost you all. No, I haven't got amnesia. I This could also be an essay about "Kayak for Dummies".
Recently I've managed to convince (finally!) some people from work to go on a canoe-kayak river descent, outside Paris. Negociatons were hard, and when I thought the "worst" was gone... well, let's say that my good will was punished! eheheh
It was not the first time I did such sport activity, but it was my first time without a guide or someone to oversee the group. Here everyone got on a canoe, with only a basic "rivermap". It's a safe system, where families usually go with their kids, because the rivers are extremely calm, with one or another small waterfall. At the beginning I thought "Cool! We're on our on"... but the first problem arrived in minutes: the river had two different paths to follow... and both were blocked by small trees. So... who you gonna call?? eheh I had decided to bring my cell phone with me just in case (very wise!), and as soon as I realized we were "stuck" I took my phone and call the organizing company. As soon as I hung up... I accidentally misplaced the phone into my pocket... et voila... au revoir! :P
Anyway... I've learned the lesson! eheh The bigger problem is all the contacts I've lost, but it could be worse of course... I could have lost an arm or a leg! :P
There are some lucky fishes who won a new cell phone! eheheh
But not everything was bad... there were some priceless moments! Revenge! eheheh