What's so special about it? It's a new way to transport people, environment friendly (no polution and almost no noise)... but very very expensive! eheh
During the Paris Plage event there were several activities you could practise or try... like mini golf, kayak, fitness sessions or... gyropode!
As the brand Segway is not officially registered in France, for the time being, this personal transporter has a french name! Oh la la! eheheh
The name comes from the gyroscopic sensors inside the Segway, which are used to control its balance.
I took this opportunity to try for myself this new vehicle... and it was definitely different. You have to teach your brain that "lean forward" doesn't mean you'll fall!
The Segway can (and it should) be used in cycleways/cycle tracks as long it moves at least at 20km/h (12.5 mph), which is Segway's top speed (for the basic model).
Although is very pratical and better than using crowded public transports, I prefer the old and typical bicycle... at least you pedal and it's a good exercise!
Who knows if in the future all major cities will have public Segways instead of bicycles and scooters!
Sometimes the Segway reminds me a chariot but without the horses! eheheh