If you walk in some tourist spots at this town, is very easy to be approched by artists who wants to sketch your caricature and sell it, obviously.
Why did I asked to sketch mine? Well.... I didn't! eheh It was a quiet weekend afternoon, not so many tourists, and there was this "artist" who "offered" his service. Naturally, as always, I said no. But how can I pretend not to be a tourist if everytime I go out I carry my camera with me? It's the international standard for "Tourist here"! eheh
Anyway, this guy didn't accepted no for an answer, and he kept lowering the price, lowering, until was almost for free! So I felt sorry for this guy, because he was bored and he wanted to kill time (before real tourists would arrive)! eheh
So I sat down on a small bench and we drew my best side... so I think! eheh A quick sketch which took around 10min, but it was long enough to change ideas, to show to him that I wasn't a tourist, our point of view of Paris and France, because he was also an immigrant.
Et voilá... this was the result of a quick caricature sketch on a parisien square. You can even notice a weird sketch of the Eiffel Tower, which looks more like a space rocket lifting off! eheh
But, and to answer the title question, do you know this guy? I think it doesn't look like me, but what was I expecting from a "fast-food sketch"? eheh There's no such thing as a free lunch! ;)