Although I'm not all that happy with the title of Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull, I'll definitely wait in a queue if necessary to watch it! :)
Yes, it's my favorite hero and from all previous three movies I would pick Raiders of The Lost Ark has the best (at least for me! eheh).
I remember when I got my first (and only) VCR player for Christmas back on 1987 and I didn't have any movies to play it with. So my neighbour borrowed me Raiders of The Lost Ark in VHS and my life was never the same (ok, I'm overreacting! eheh). That poor tape was played again and again and again... like a Duracell bunny! eheh
I enjoyed that movie... a lot. It's my reference for adventure movies. :P
Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull is the opening movie for this year's Cannes Film Festival, and unfortunatelly I don't have an invitation.
Can anyone help me? :P