The american director George A. Romero is the "responsible" who brought zombies to the big screen, through is 1968 movie "Night of the Living Dead".
Since then is been an icon and a reference to movies and videogames, where the "Resident Evil" series are the best example.
So guess who was here in Paris for a movie premiere? The father of all zombies, George A. Romero, came to his "Diary of The Dead" premiere. I went to watch it for the fun, but the movie theater was crowded with real fans, wearing crazy t-shirts, shouting for Romero, with books and DVD's ready to be autographed.
The movie was fun in its own way, joining horror and comedy (dark humor) in George A. Romero's way. Following the current trend in Hollywood, "Diary of the Dead" was shot using the shaky camera technique, made popular by "The Blair Witch Project" or the most recent "Cloverfield" (but you won't get sick... I think! eheh).
A group of film students find themselves in a middle of a zombie invasion, and instead of shooting their own horror film they (at least some of them) decide to take the camera and film everything they run by. Obvisouly I don't need to say that only some of them survive the movie! :P
Nevertheless it's a good movie and I particulary appreciated the social commentary ("does humankind deserve to be saved?"), and is enjoyable to watch with a group of friends.
By the way, accordingly to wikipedia, a zombie is a reanimated corpse! Hmmm... I love when they talk dirty! Bah, they take all the fun of it :-D