Tonight starts, in USA, the new season of one of the most intriguing/curious/sensational TV shows of the last years.
Everyone has their own favorite shows, but my "passion" for Lost started two days before I left Portugal, back in 2006. I was packing everything and suddently I looked at the TV and I saw I plane crashing.
After a few minutes I completely forgot what I was doing and I stood there, like I was being hypnotized by the TV (something like the movie "Poltergeist" but in a good way! eheh).
But I have to thank my brother, that offered gave me some DVDs with all the episodes from the 1st season, as a have-a-nice-trip-and-don't-come-back-soon (eheh, just kidding bro!).
After my arrival in France, in my first temporary apartment on the hills of Sophia-Antipolis, I didn't have many interesting things to do. So I remembered about that amazing TV show and how curious I was to know what happened to all those passengers.
It was like that I started to be a Lost fan... literally lost, because the way the story was written gave me more doubts than clues! eheheh
The creator of the show, J.J. Abrams, got all the attention for his creativity and he convinced me too, specially when he managed to deliver a good Mission: Impossible movie and a great-great Cloverfield (but this is another story).
Well, by now you all have already heard about this TV show and certainly there are good and bad things about it. Season 1 was very good, season 2 so-so, and for season 3 only the second half of the season was interesting.
In a few hours the next adventures will begin... and I can't wait to watch it too...
Hmm... I wonder... when will this new episode be available to download? In a legal, way of course! Like my brother did! O:-)